Free Netball Fitness Program
Physical warm up:
- Free Netball Fitness Training Program
- Free Netball Fitness Program For Beginners
- Free Netball Fitness Program
-Suicides at different intensities. 1st lap 50%, 2nd 70%, 3rd 90%.Jogging on the way back. X 2 (5 minutes)
This high-energy 45 minute netball gym class combines explosive netball movements with strength and power exercise to music! The NETFIT Netball team comes to you. Our classes are all based on netball specific fitness, teamwork and empowerment. Each class runs for 1 hour with the last 15mins being a #healthynetball chat and mini green smoothies. Read this essay on Chronic Adaptations- Netball Fitness Program. Come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays. Get the knowledge you need in order to pass your classes and more. 'By hitting your local park two or three times a week, and setting up shuttle runs with cones, you can see a huge improvement in your fitness, in a way that really transfers over to netball.' Make no mistake about it, trying a drill like repeat-effort sprints is not easy. Netball Fitness Program Essay Sample. I have chosen to do a fitness program for a sport. I chose the sport netball. I have chosen this sport, as I am more familiar with what is involved in terms of training, warming up, cooling down and so on. Netball fitness drills fitness drills Youth Netball drills, session plan, lesson plans and practices. Fitness & skills training programs presents: Sharelle McMahon, captain of. Sprint, crossover, sprint, shuffle, sprint netball assa ranell hobson. Join now for free.
-Then stretching (whole body) (5 minutes)
-Run throughs (high knees, butt flicks, two bytwos, grape vine) (5 minutes)
Skills warm up:
-Touch the ball drill. (10 times each) (10minutes)
Skill development:
-Split or over the top drill (focus on defenderand attacker) (5 times each at high intensity)
-Pitter Patter Drill (for defending) highintensity for 1 minute each. In partners then swap over.
-Dodge the person. High intensity for (6 timeseach)
-Talk: about tactical play in relation to thedrills that we have just done.
Mortified games:
-Game play and set play to practise the skillsthat are being developed in this session.
Warm Down:
-Run one lap of the court at low intensity andstretch .
Week 2 Training Session (Slowly getting into more skill work)
Warm up: - Run around netball court once. quarter court:
- Stretching Drills: Piggy in the middle ( defence) (Start the drill by having the players form a circle with two of the players in the middle of it. The players forming the circle must then pass to one another using different styles of passes along with varying heights and speeds and as each of the player passes they must call out the name of the player that they are passing to. Then as each player passes to one another the two players in the middle must try to intercept the ball. Once one of the players in the middle of the circle successfully intercepts five balls they can then swap places with one of the players on the outside of the circle.) See saw ( passing)
Quick hands
Running passes
Train tracks: For this drill there are two lines that are shoulder to shoulder and one person from the front of one line, drives straight for a short sharp chest pass, that person then passes the ball back to the line they just rived from. The person at the front of the other line then drives out for a short sharp chest passes and then they pass back to the line they have driven from and it goes on until everyone has done it three times each. After everyone has done it three times the pass changes from a chest pass to a lob that gets pushed out two metres, they run through this one three times each again. After this we did an extension of this drill, the person from one of the fronts of the lines drives out one metre and gets a chest pass then the person from the other line who just passed drives out 2 metres and receives a pass from the first person, once the first person passes the ball they go and defend the second person. Warm down: - slow jog around court - stretching |
Week 3 Training Session:(Working more on skill development)
1. To loosen the necessary muscles, the warm-up will consistof a shuttle run done at 50% run for the first third, then jog back, 70% fortwo thirds jog back, then 90% for the whole court, then jog back. This isfollowed by stretching the whole body.
2. To start the skills, the group will line up in two lines.The left lane will lob up a pass, about 4 metres in front of the right lane.When this person has control of the lob pass, they will throw a flat pass tothe line they just came from. This drill was chosen to focus on the suddensprint, stop, pass and sprint that players will experience at any time in agame of netball. This is done for 5 minutes.
3. 5 minutes (1 mins per person then alternate), in pairs,by pitter-pattering on the baseline and having to move quickly in order to pullin the pass. This drill focuses on teaching the players to be on their toes atall times so they can move quickly and agilely to receive any sort of pass aswell as working the anaerobic energy system.
4. In groups of three, two of the group stand roughly 5metres apart and pass a ball between them anyway they can, either roll, bounce,lob or flat, while a third person run in a figure 8 direction, trying to get aninterception. This is done for 10 minutes (2 mins per person and alternateevery minute). This drill focuses more on passing for the two stationary peopleand interception/defence and developing the anaerobic threshold of the workerThis is followed by a drinks break.
5. Finally, to develop shooting and defending as well aspassing skills, to people will defend to attackers in the goal circle, with twocentres just outside. The aim of this drill is for the attackers to receivefive passes from the centres, which is when they can have a shot. After eachset, everyone swaps, unless there are specific positions that people want toplay. This drill was set to be completed as it involves every position, barringWD, and what each player in those positions would do in a game, whether in anattacking or defending situation in a match
6. Short warm-down a lap of the court, followed bystretching
Week 4 Training Session: (Skill Development)
My current drawers' tracks are mounted from the bottom (not the sides like yours show). Soft close hardware for drawers. I am absolutely using your tutorial, however I am a very hands on and a visual learner so I am sure if I had the pieces in my hands, I probably wouldn't have these questions but want to be clear anyhow1- what is the purpose of tiny bolt you see in the very first picture?2- you mention angling the slides so gravity works with them to close. Thank you for reading my mind and coming up with this idea 4 years ago! Is it then necessary or possible to mount the slides with a downward angle if the track it rolls on sits under and level (I better go grab the tiny level and see if they are indeed level!)?I think that is all for now.
Warm up:
Free Netball Fitness Training Program
-Two laps ofthe court, whole body stretch, starting with your ankles working your way up toyou carves then quads and hamstrings, then up to your arms and neck.
-Cross over: Start with two lines about three metres apart and havetwo passes about three metres from the lines the people at the front of eachline drives forward for a chest pass, they then proceed to cross over to theother side to the second passer and receives a drop ball out to the side. They thencross back over to get a lob and then they pass back to the passer, and returnto the back of the lines. Everyone has to do this drill three times and that isthe end of the drill.
-Train tracks: For this drill there are two linesthat are shoulder to shoulder and one person from the front of one line, drivesstraight for a short sharp chest pass, that person then passes the ball back tothe line they just rived from. The person at the front of the other line thendrives out for a short sharp chest passes and then they pass back to the linethey have driven from and it goes on until everyone has done it three timeseach. After everyone has done it three times the pass changes from achest passto a lob that gets pushed out two metres, they run through this one three timeseach again. After this we did an extension of this drill, the person from oneof the fronts of the lines drives out one metre and gets a chest pass then theperson from the other line who just passed drives out 2 metres and receives a passfrom the first person, once the first person passes the ball they go and defendthe second person.
-Straight line:With this drill you start with halving the team one half at each side ofthe court on one of the transvers line. One person starts in the middle of theline and passes the ball to themselves and while this is happening one from thefront of the line the person with the ball is heading to drives a 45 degreeangle to the side and receives a pass from the first person. The first persondrives a 45 degree angle to the other side of the line to receive a pass andthen passes a lob back across the court and the second person receives it andpasses it to another person who has driven from the other line, this continueson until everyone has done it three times.
-Free flow: This drill is to improve defences base line throw-in.To start you have a GK on the base line that is set up for a through in, theyare being defended by the GS. You have a GD set up on the goal circle beingdefended by the GA, the WD is set up on the opposite side of the GK and GD withthe WA. There are three possible base line throw-in’s, these players will gothrough each three times and that is the end of the drill. The three throw-in’sare the GD holding for a lob and then passing to the WD after they drive to thecentre third. The second is the GD dodges to the top of the goal circle andthen back to the wing area and then passes the ball to the WD how has driven tothe centre third. The final one is that the GD is double by the GA and GS sothe GK passes the ball to the WD and then clears to the GD who has driven tothe centre third.
Free Netball Fitness Program For Beginners
-Slow Jog around one court.
Free Netball Fitness Program
It is really important that each week is a different training session so that different components of netball can be worked on for the team to reach optimum level. Starting at week 1 of the competitive phase there is still quite a bit of fitness involved within the training session as well as revisiting some ball skills from last season. As the weeks progress then the training sessions need to change more into skill development because this macro-cycle is in the competitive phase so that team will be wanting to improve their skills to ensure that they are ready for competitive and then at the end finals.