Fate Stay Night Game
Fate/Stay Night is a visual novel that chronicles a war between seven Magi for the Holy Grail. Each Magus summons a heroic spirit from history or legend to help fight with them and obtain the power to grant wishes. You now have the body of a game character. Sleeping in a bed restores 100% HP, MP and ST. Sleeping on the ground restores 80% and sleeping in the cold restores only 25%. A sense of dread crept upon him. Although having the body of a game character looked good at a first glance, he wasn't sure how truly he had been changed.
Jan 30, 2004 Find reviews, trailers, release dates, news, screenshots, walkthroughs, and more for Fate/Stay Night here on GameSpot. I heard that Fate/Stay Night is available in an english version and I was just wondering where I could get it. Is there any safe website that I can download the game from? I want to download the game without having any issues. Soo, any reliable sites I can get it from? Or, am I able to buy the game online? Jan 13, 2019 The game will be split into three parts, based on paths of the game. Edit each folder name so that there are no '/' marks, same thing for each game. Example for Fate would be 'Fate stay nightRealta Nua -Fate.exe; If you lost your product key for FSN-RN, apply a crack to each game (Fate, Heaven's Feel, Unlimited Blade Works) so that you can. Nov 29, 2012 Fate/stay night Realta Nua (English Patched) PC Download for PC/Windows. Game description, information and PC download page.
Original post by xRichard; X-Posted with permission.
Be sure to read the comments as well.
Fate/Stay Night Visual Novel
It's very understandable that most people tend to stay away from VNs. The negativism towards them is very strong, people think of them as mere porn games. But these prejudices are very similar to the unfounded beliefs that people have towards Anime (Cartoons for kids).
The best way to learn what visual novels are really about is to actually play one. And for that matter, Fate/Stay Night proved itself to be, possibly, the best first step into the medium. It was widely regarded as one of the few masterpieces among the English translated visual novels and it's far different from what conventional wisdom may say about these kind of games.
Even if its sexual content are minimal, it takes only one boob to consider it a game FOR ADULTS ONLY.
Fate/Stay Night is the story of the 5th Holy Grail War that takes place 10 years after the 4th (Fate/Zero). The tale is told in three different ways trough it's 3 routes that branch early into the story but have an enforced playing order.
The theme is 'oneself as an ideal.' This path is both an Introduction route and Saber's route.
In Fate we are given most of the god-tier world-building the author Nasu is known for. It also tells the complete story about Saber, who she is and what is she after by taking part of the war. This is the core story of the Studio Deen's Fate/Stay Night anime adaptation.
Theme: 'struggling with oneself as an ideal.' This is both the Archer and Tohsaka Rin route.
Most of the mysteries left unanswered in the Fate scenario are revealed and things start to go very 'wrong' in this route. The reveals in UBW makes you re-think everything you knew about the previous story.
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The sheer number of battles and popularity by the fans made this route get it's own movie adaptation.

Theme: 'the friction with real and ideal.' This is both the Conclusion act and Matou Sakura's Route.
The increasing development of Emiya Shirou's character reaches its final act. If you thought things went wrong in UBW, this route laughs at it and redefines what the word 'wrong' means. For many, this is the real story that F/SN tries to tell and delivers a truly satisfying final closure to the tale.
Ufotable has announced an upcoming film adaption.
Q: How can I play this game?
The game was not officially released in English (and most likely won't ever be). It was fan translated by the group mirror-moon. They have a nice FAQ on their forums.
The PS2 version of the game (Realta Nua) featured a fully voiced script, additional artwork and a bigger soundtrack. These features can be imported into the PC game with a fan-made patch.
The voice actor cast is the same from the F/SN anime, the Carnival Phantasm OVA parody, UBW movie and Fate/Zero, so voices should be very familiar.
It takes around 50-60 hours to clear the game, it's as long as 130 anime episodes.
Importing a Japanese copy is the only legal way to get it.
Fate/stay Night Game H Scenes
The easiest under-handed way to get it is to find the pirate pre-patched voiced version of the game around torrent sites, it's a .rar file that weights around 2Gb (Had more than 100 seeds last time I checked). Can't link to it, use your internet skillz to find it and download at your own risk. I won't justify nor judge piracy, but options are really limited when it comes to visual novels.
If you pirated the game, read this:
Extract prepatched game. Rar should be around 2Gb in size.
Install this font (It'd come with the the mirror moon patch that we skipped installing).
Apply Realta Nua v4.2 (and the little fix).
Open game, the prologue starts right away. Look for the Settings menu.
Set the fonts to 'Mona: krkr2 ver. by mirror moon'. They look better.
Let me remind you that this is a game for adults. There was a censoring patch being developed but the project has been stalled for two years already. So there isn't any 'All-Ages' English version of the game. Luckily, the are very few erotics scenes and they can be skipped through rapidly with the CTRL key.
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Post at /r/visualnovels if you have any other question or if you want to talk about the game. It's a slow sub-reddit but we'll love to hear about your experience.
It's the light novel prequel to F/SN. Written by the famous genius writer Gen Urobuchi (Madoka Magica, Saya no Uta).
Fate/Zero develops the story of the 4th Holy Grail War that takes place in the same location but 10 years prior to the events of F/SN.
The anime adaptation was produced by the studio Ufotable. Music composed by none other than Kajiura Yuki, whose past works should talk by themselves. And directed by Ei Aoki (Kara no Kyoukai, Ga-Rei: Zero).
It's safe to say that Fate/Zero was produced by an almost all-star staff. The treatment it got was more than just 'special'.
F/Z marked the first time in the industry's history that an anime gets free streamed on a world wide scale subtitled in 8 different languages (Korean, Chinese (Traditional & Simplified), English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish). I hope that some of you understand the importance of this step taken with Fate/Zero.
Fate/Zero was very well received, qualified as 'magnificent' by most anime fans; it is currently considered the best Type-Moon adaptation and one of the highest quality anime that ever aired in Japanese TV for it's movie-like production values.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I'm new to the series. What's the BEST way to get into it?
Brave ^Mode-Thisisa'releasedate'order.Recommendedbyveteranfans.
Fate/Stay Night Visual Novel
Unlimited Blade Works Movie
Fate/Zero (BluRay*)
Fate Stay Night Gameplay
Q: But I'm not really into VNs / I don't have the time. Is there any another way to do this?
Alter ^Mode
Fate/Zero (BluRay*)
Fate/Stay Night Visual Novel
Unlimited Blade Works Movie
Q: Why Fate/Zero first? I've been told that it spoils many F/SN twists
That is true. There are many F/SN major twists that F/Z spoils in Episode 1. It's quite the dilemma as there's not really a 'best' answer because the visual novel spoils a lot about F/Z too.
So, reasons to watch F/Z first:
Fate/Zero is the beginning of the whole story.
Fate/Zero is shorter. This also makes the commitment smaller, so it's easier to get into the series.
The reveals in F/Z may upgrade the Fate/Stay Night experience. Many character interactions gain a new meaning thanks to certain knowledge (Opinions territory).
Fate/Stay Night reveals too much about F/Z. Ending, outcome of the war, etc. This may damage the F/Z experience for some viewers (Opinions territory).
Q: I watched Fate/Zero EP1 but I don't understand what's going on.
Fate/zero: How the Holy Grail War stuff works. This an amazing post by meteorMatador about the Nasuverse.
Some of his words: 'Part of the explanation will be consolidated and rephrased here for the benefit of people who just want to watch their Japanese animes, without having to find and play the game first.'
Q: What about the F/SN anime, should I watch it?
The Studio Deen adaptation of F/SN is far from the masterwork done with F/Z. People who watch it will find a fairly good shonen action show with a very ambitious premise but poorly executed (kinda like Guilty Crown except that there's no the eye-candy and no good music). Also, by using the 'Fate' route as the core story, watchers will have to bear the underdeveloped version of Emiya Shirou (hard to relate to and care about).
It's ok to watch it if you really can't get yourself to play the Visual Novel.
But I don't recommend at all watching the F/SN anime AFTER Fate/Zero. It's 100% sure that it will greatly disappoint the viewer. After F/Z, I recommend to play the VN.
Q: And the UBW movie? How good it is?
Sadly, you'll not enjoy it much if you go 'blind' into it.
It was tailored for those who actually played the game. The movie focuses mostly on the battles and skips most of the character development and there's no world building. There just wasn't any way that Deen would manage to squish a 20hr long route into a 2hr long movie.
Seriously, for its lack of story and character development, this movie may be worth a thread in /r/WTF. But you'll love it if you watch it after playing the VN.
Related Links
Type-Moon Wiki (Spoilers in many articles)